Good Morning Monday.

What an amazingly beautiful weekend we had here in Michigan.  I was actually able to bust out some of the summer clothes and wear my favorite summer staple, flowy skirt and t-shirt.

We started our Saturday morning off by soaking up the sunshine while watching Nolan play his first soccer game.  Eric is coaching and it is ​so much fun to see him wrangle 10 kids.  Nolan is so proud and excited that his Dad is coaching, and that is wonderful to see.


Today is going to be a full day of cleaning and sanding a few pieces of furniture I bought for the studio and Samina's bedroom.  I fully plan to take advantage of this weather! Hope you are having a wonderful Monday too.​

With a flooded basement and a crazy life, this quote resonated with me today. ​


Happy Earth Day

Today was a great Earth Day.  The sun was shining and it finally felt like spring here in Michigan.  It was a much needed day after all the rain and flooding we have had here in Grand Rapids!​

We used to grow a garden in our back yard, but in the last few years I have just grow my own herbs. Some of my favorites are oregano, thyme, basil, rosemary and green onions like this little guy in the picture.​  He survived being outside all winter long and is back growing again this spring.  I have the worst green thumb, so the strength of this little plant amazes me!


I hope you all had a wonderful Earth Day!​

New Website!


After six years in business, it was time to refresh my website and blog that I had neglected.​  This new website/blogsite definitely reflects more of my style and photography.  Thanks for stopping by and I can not wait to make this site more engaging and fun to check out.